This web-page is intended for English speaking caregivers and parents in Sweden.

En man, en kvinna och en bebis


More information in Swedish

  • FHM Weekly update

    Folkhälsomyndigheten, FHM, (Public health Agency of Sweden) publishes weekly updates. 

  • 1177 Vårdguiden - RSV in children

    1177 Vårdguiden - RSV in children

  • Svenska prematurförbundet

    Swedish association for preterm babies

    (The association pursues issues concerning the situation of premature children and their families at national level and through local associations at local level)



  • Glossary

    Glossary of commonly used words on the page.

Folder with information about RS virus

Our information folder about RS-virus intended for parents and caregivers is available in Spanish, English and Spanish. Choose language below to download your PDF version.